Friday 24 January 2014

Music Magazines: Font Research

I looked at a wide range of different fonts for my magazine masthead and sell lines. I wanted to see which suited the masthead first and then consider the other fonts for the sell lines so I tested them all through typing the title. Here are my favourite fonts out of the ones I have looked at:

 Buxton Sketch

Mesquite Std

Blood Crow

Birch Std


I really like all of these fonts but my favourite one that I think will be the most eye catching and look the best as a magazine mast head is the last one: zombified. However, I do want to incorporate the other fonts into my magazine. I will use a few of them for the sell lines. I think some will be more predominant that others. For example, Birch Std looks too formal to be used for any main piece of text as I want to keep the page looking interesting. I think I will use Blood Crow for my main sell line as it is my second favourite and I think it will help make the page appeal to the audience.

I then looked at band fonts. I managed to find three:

I will use all three for my front cover as it helps the readers familiarize with the band as they may recognize the font. Also, it will make it look more professional as these are the fonts that the band themselves use.

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