Friday 10 January 2014

Music Magazine: Photographs of Luke

Some of the photographs from the photo-shoot with Luke:

I started off with Luke having my arms out naturally by his side. I decided that this looked awkward so in order to solve this problem, I asked Luke to put his hands in his pockets.


The next pose I photographed was Luke looking at the camera. However, when he smiled, he doesn't look like the rock-star he is intending to be and when he didn't smile, he looked awkward. So we decided to move onto different poses.

The pose we moved onto was Luke looking into the distance (left and right). This worked a lot better so I ended up with more good shots from these.

This is the photograph from the shoot that I think is the best and fits the description of what I want. He has his hands looking natural in his pocket, he isn't slouching or looking awkward and his facial expression looks almost smug which suits the rock star look we were going for. I will use this one if I decide to use Luke for my front cover.

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