Friday 10 January 2014

Music Magazine: Photographs of Sam

Some of the photographs from the photo-shoot with Sam:

The first pose I started with was Sam facing forward, towards the camera. After a few shots with and without hands in his pockets, I decided that I didn't like these shots for cover, so I moved onto different poses.

I then took a series of different photographs with Sam looking left and right, again with hands in and out of pockets. These are the best of each pose. Unlike Luke, Sam looks natural with his hands out of his pockets. I also think he looks more natural looking to the left.

This is the photograph from the shoot that I think is the best and fits the description of what I want. He has his hands looking natural by his side, he isn't slouching or looking awkward and his facial expression looks unfazed by the photo-shoot, which gives off the rock-star vibe we were going for. I will use this one if I choose to use Sam for my front cover.

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