Friday 1 November 2013

College Magazine: Front Cover Ideas

For my college magazine front cover, I will go with the typical conventions such as using a medium shot, having a big, bold title at the top. Including all the necessities such as sell lines, a large anchorage title, bar code, price, date, etc. For my main image, I unfortunately couldn't get a famous celebrity to be on the cover, so instead I chose a girl who has both an interesting style/look and back story that I could include in my magazine to make it even more real. I have decided that I will take the photos at the college in well known, interesting places that students will be able to recognize and familiarize themselves with. This will help include the readers in the magazine and attract them to buy it. I will also ask my model to wear clothes that she would normally just around the college to also make it realistic. I will name my magazine 'COLLEGE'. I chose this name as it is simple, gets to the point and lets the readers know what the magazine is about.

When searching up college magazine, I came across the one above in which the use of props ( the paintbrushes) is highly influential on the overall look.I decided that I don't like the dominance of a prop and how it can easily look 'bad'. So I will not be using any props on my shoot. I will purely use the model. Also, this one has a 'busy' background, giving the reader too much to look at which can turn a reader off the magazine. So I will use an uncomplicated background that stays as a background and also doesn't dominate the photo like the one below.

When looking at magazines in general, I came across the one above and liked how it looked. I liked the boldness and placement of the anchorage title and thought it looked similar to my template that I wanted to use. I also liked the placement of sell lines, how they are placed around, fitting the model and not over lapping the image too much. I really like the sell lines on the left that are simply names separated with lines.  Another thing I liked was the simply, black font used for the sell lines. Also the bar-code being neatly tucked into the bottom corner. However, what I didn't like about this magazine was the black box on the top right hand side so I won't let that part inspire my magazine.

I also found this magazine above and very much liked the placement of the bar-code, date, price and website all being neatly put together in a little white box in the bottom corner. This will definitely inspire my work.

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