Friday 22 November 2013

College Magazine: Font Research

There are many different fonts to choose from when considering the text on my front cover. I started off looking at a range of fonts for my title. 

I picked out 5 different fonts and typed the word COLLEGE in the largest size to get a better perspective of how they’d look. I decided that I didn’t like the ‘unique’ fonts such as the first, third and last one. Instead, I preferred a normal, common one that is easy on the eyes such as the second and forth. In the end, I chose to go with the forth which as was Adobe Garamond Pro Bold as it is a normal looking font but not too common that it looks like I haven’t made an effort. Also, it will make the magazine look more professional and official.

Next I looked at fonts that are similar to the title font for my sell lines:

All of the fonts I looked at are ones that would look similar to the title but not exactly the same. In the end, I chose the first one as it looks the best with the title font.

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