Friday 8 November 2013

College Magazine: Contents Page Ideas

For my contents page, I will use a photograph I have taken previously but as my model is in the same outfit for each shot, I will have to edit her outfit to look different. This is the photo I will use:

I have chosen this photo as it has a lot of empty room around her that I can work with. Also, there is the vibrant splash of colour - green. This will make the page stand out and catch the audiences attention. However, I will crop the photo down as to not have too much background. I want to keep room above her hair to add the title. I will crop the bottom where her feet and the floor is as that part of the picture isn't very appealing. So instead of being a long shot, it will be a medium long shot. I will also crop the left side out as to have the white wall was the main background and make it the right, rectangular shape of the magazine.
Here is the cropped picture:

 I will have the main title as 'Contents' as it seems the most fitting title for a college contents page as it gets straight to the point and if I titled the page with the name of the magazine 'COLLEGE' the it wouldn't look right. Instead, I will add the college logo so the audience are reminded that it is a college magazine and belongs to CWA.

On the contents page of the issue of NME magazine that I analyzed previously on this blog, I liked how the page numbers were a different colour to the text so I take this into account when making my contents page. Another thing I like about this is that the article teaser for the cover is in a separate box from the rest.

I'll be keeping the fonts the same as the front cover to continue with the theme. Also, the fonts I will use are 'normal' fonts and it's best not to try go outside the box with fonts because such as the magazine above, it can easily go wrong. I will also stick with neutral colours for most of the text as again, using lots of colour can easily go wrong, such as the one below.

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