Friday 29 November 2013

College Magazine: Making The Front Cover

 I started off with the main image I had chosen and edited the brightness, contrast and vibrancy higher using the tools provided on Photoshop as I thought the original looked dull. I also tried to get rid of the red eyes. This all made the main image look better and gave me a better starting point for my magazine.

I then progressed to placing the title and logo at the top, next to each other. I placed the logo onto the magazine to show the audience what college it belonged to. I ended up adding a stroke effect to the title to give it a slightly black border so it would stand out against the background better.

  I then placed the bar-code, price and date together in a small white box at the bottom. This was inspired by a magazine I came across whilst researching and added it to my ideas post no my blog. I first of created a white box, then I placed a bar-code at the bottom middle then wrote the date, price and website text inside of the box, above the bar-code.I think this makes all the text look neater as it is sectioned off together.

The next step was to add the anchorage title and all the sell lines. This part took some time as I kept altering the placement of each one to fit around the other text and the main image. I decided to place a stroke effect around all the text to make it all stand out. I decided to also go for the list idea I had came across on the Rolling Stones magazine in my ideas post. Instead of putting in celebrity names, I chose to put in things that are new to the college so that it relates to the magazine genre and is realistic. I split the list up with thick white lines to make the page look more interesting. Also, it attracts the audience to look at the magazine.

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