Friday 25 October 2013

College Magazine: Questionnaire

I made a questionnaire and handed it out in order to get a better perspective on what I should include on my magazine and make it better. I managed to get around 20 filled out. I am going to include the question and the most popular answers.

1.       How old are you?

The responses varied from 16-47.

2.       Male or Female?

Around 75% of the responses were female.

3.       What would you want to see in a college magazine?

Some of the most popular answer were: Interesting news and facts about college, celebrities and well-known people.

4.       What would make you pick up a copy of the magazine?

Some of the most popular answers were: Recognising someone or something on the cover and interesting sell lines and main image.

5.       How often should it come out?

 The most common answer was monthly.

6.       What size should it be?

Most people said A4.

7.       Would you read a digital copy?

Most people said that they probably wouldn't.

8.       Would you pay for a college magazine? If so, how much?

This question got mixed responses but the most popular price was £1-£2.

9.       What would make you pay for a college magazine?

Most answers included a celebrity or a free gift.

10.   Do you buy magazines? If so, what genre?

Half of the responses said they do. The most popular genres were music and fashion.
From this, I gathered that I'm going to need a good main image that will make people pick the magazine up and interesting sell lines that will make the audience want to read more inside and therefore buy the magazine.

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