Friday 28 February 2014

Music Magazine: Double Page Spread Ideas

In order to get some inspiration for my music magazine double page spread, I looked at other music magazine double page spreads for ideas.


This magazine was the one that I like the most. I like how it has additional pictures as well as the front man of the band in large on the left hand side. I like how the text is put neatly into two columns strictly on the right hand side. I also like how the masthead of this page spreads over both pages and is slightly slanted. Another aspect of this magazine that I like is the colours. There is a plain black background with white text overlaid and then there is a splash of red in the title.

What I like about this double page spread is the main image. I like how there isn't a background - it's either been edited out or shot in a white studio. I like how they have kept the fairly large quantity of red in the image to give the page colour.


I looked back at my photographs and picked out one of the interview ones. I think this will look good if I edit everything around Sam out and then put him in large on the left. The photo I have chosen is below:

 I also want to add in one of the meeting and greeting fan pictures to show the readers the other band member: Luke. I will crop this down to make it look better as to direct the attention to the band members.

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