Friday 21 February 2014

Music Magazine: Making The Contents Page

I started off by putting in the title behind a black box that stretches across the page. I used the same font for the mast head on this page as I did for the masthead on the front cover. I also added in an issue number as I had noticed that many magazines include this on either their front cover or contents page and as I hadn't put it on my front cover, I thought I ought to put it on here as it makes the magazine that bit more realistic. 

I then added in the chosen picture of Sam. I edited out the brick background as it wouldn't of looked good on the page and as I had included it in the front cover, it would've been too much. So instead, I erased it. I positioned him in the middle so that I could add text one the left and photos on the right.

The next step was putting in the sub-headings for the article teasers. I put them in the black font that I used for the front cover sell lines to continue the theme. I then decided that this looked too plain for a sub-heading and would blend with the rest of the text so I put a red box behind it and I think this looks much better.

I then added in the article teasers. I started off by putting in lots of band names as to fill up space. I put the text in black but experimented with putting the page numbers in red and thought that looked good so I continued with that. I then added in one of my own photographs to go along with the last band in the list. I had to move the sub-title 'Regulars' down however so I could fit it all in.

I then added in the rest of the text. One being from the front cover and the others being under the 'Regulars' subtitle. I also added in two social network logos to give the page more authenticity.

The next thing I added was a photograph from the interview. I had already picked this out as it looks the most interesting and would make the reader want to turn to the page to find out more. I then added an article teaser to go along with it on top. I put this in white but then felt like it needed more in order to stand out against the pictures. In the end, I put a black stroke around it. I used the same colours for the text as I had the other article teasers so that the audience would know it was an article teaser.

I wanted to put in an editors note as I had seen them on many other magazines. So, I experimented with this. It needed a lot of experimenting with but in the end, I thought having a black box behind the text sectioned it of well but on top of the image of Sam  didn't so I put it behind him and the text on top of them both. I also put a black stroke on the text so it would stand out where it overlaps the image.

The final step was adding in a picture of the front cover. I think this ties up the two pages well. I added it in on a slant as it makes the page look a bit more edgy. Also, including this is something I had previously seen whilst researching magazines and had liked.

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