Friday 14 February 2014

Music Magazine: Contents Page Ideas

In order to get some inspiration for my music magazine contents page, I looked at other music magazine contents pages for ideas.

I like how all of the contents are in a list on the left hand side. Also, how all the colours are simple and work well with each other. This all looks neat and professional. I like how there is a 'Features' section and there is another one for the articles that appear in the magazine every month. I will think about splitting my text up like this.

I like how the front cover is of a close up shot and the contents is a full body, yet also takes center place. I like the usage of the front cover on the contents page. This all makes the page look interesting and relates the two pages together.

I have chosen a picture of the person who I used for my front cover to put onto my contents page in the same fashion as the Q magazine above. I have also picked a concert photo and a photo from the interview out to add to my contents page. They are:

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