Friday 13 December 2013

College Magazine: Making The First Version Of My Contents Page

I started off by editing the picture so that the models outfit looks different to the one on the front cover. I did this by coloring each piece of clothing. Such as the jeans, I made them from blue denim to grey denim.

Then I added the title and logo to the empty space above the model. I used the same font and colours as the front cover title to continue with the theme.

Then I added the article teasers I had previously thought up and added to my blog with their page numbers next to them on the left hand side. I decided to put a line in between the number and the text as I thought it made the overall look better. I put them in white because it went with the title and contrasted against the colored background. I added a slight black outer glow to the text however, as the white text on the white background didn't stand out enough.

Once looking at the page, it looked rather bare so like the front cover, I added in white lines between each teaser to separate them and fill up some space. I also added the date below the title to also fill up space and make the page look more realistic.

Then I experimented by adding a white box  for the 'On The Cover' article teaser as I was previously inspired to by the NME magazine.I  created a white box and then added the article teaser in black on top with a sub title 'On The Cover'. After doing this, I thought that it didn't look very professional and decided not to add this into the final page design.

I went back to the original design but thought that it still needed something extra so I tried to add more colour by putting the page numbers as red. I also did this because the white page numbers didn't stand out very much against the white background even with the outer glow.

I then made space so I could add more photos onto the page. I did this buy moving some of the text top the left so that I have the right amount of space for my photos.

I then added in the pictures beside the article teasers that went along with them and my page was complete.

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