Friday 6 December 2013

College Magazine: Contents Page Article Teasers

Before I started to actually make my contents page, I thought it would be best to brainstorm ideas of what I want to put in there for my article teasers. First of all I thought of idea of what to put in:

CV tips
Mocks and revision
High education
Springboard TV
Student savings
Interview with Robyn quote

Then using these ideas I made them into actual teasers:

Hot drinks are hot property - Costa hype coasts through college
A springboard to success   -  Springboard TV is a roaring success
Spruce up your CV - top tips to stand out from the crowd
 Banishing the bullying - The college cracks down on bullies
Don't get mocked, revise!   - A guide to the upcoming mocks
Going higher on high education - Life after college at CWA
 The renovations are a towering success - Students share their thoughts
 Times are tough...but not for a student - student savings for those in the know
Why say "YES" to NCS? - Rewarding times of your life are closer than you think
"Coming to college was the best decision I've ever made." - Robyn tells us the high school lows and the college highs of her education.

These are the teasers I will put into my contents page. ^

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