Friday 20 December 2013

College Magazine: Making The Contents Page

For my new version of the contents page, I started off by preparing the three photographs I wanted to put into my contents page. These were two models: one from the front cover and one to go along with a different sell line. The other is a picture of a Costa cup to go along with another sell line. I am using three pictures on this page as I've used one on the front cover and I need a minimum of 4 original images for my entire magazine. I chose to only go with the minimum amount as it is only a college magazine. For my music magazine I will use more to make it look more professional.
I started off by editing the picture of Robyn (from front cover) so that the models outfit looks different to the one on the front cover. I did this by coloring each piece of clothing. Such as the jeans, I made them from blue denim to grey denim. I then cropped the picture. For the picture of Rosie I edited her skin to look better and more flawless as magazines are known for doing this. I then cropped it. For the picture of the Costa cup, I simply cropped it.
These are the pictures before (top) and after (bottom):

I then started on my actual contents page. I began with a white background and then adding in the college logo (to give authenticity) and the masthead (CONTENTS). I also added the date underneath in smaller font. I used the same font for my text as I did and even the same colours - white with a black outline - for my front cover masthead in order to continue with the theme and make the contents connect to the front cover.

I then added in my two photographs of the models. I experimented with the positioning of these but ended up with having them diagonal for each other, leaving white space on one side in order to put the article teasers. I will leave the Costa picture until I have put the text in to add it in, in order to fit around the text as I don't want it to be big and dominant on the page.

The next step was putting in the article teasers. This stage needed the most experimenting with. I had to decide where to separate the text as to fit into two places. I decided to keep the text black as if not then there might be too much colour as both the pictures on the page are quite colourful. I put the text into the same font as the sell lines on the front cover in order to continue with the theme of the magazine.

I has left a space next to the sell line that goes with the Costa picture in order to fit it in. So the next step was doing so. This step was easy as all I had to do was insert a photo and make it smaller so it would fit into the space allocated.

I then needed to put in sell lines to go with the larger photos. I was inspired to add these on top of the images themselves so it would be clear that they go along with them and also I think it looks good. When I added the sell lines on top in the same black as the rest of the article teasers, it didn't show up very well. So, in order to make them visible to the audience, I put them in white and added a black outline like I had done for the title. Once I had done this, my contents page was finished.


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