Friday 14 March 2014

Music Magazine: Software and Equipment and Peer Feedback

 I made all three parts of my music magazine on Adobe Photoshop. I used this software as I was familiar with it and had even used it for my previous college magazine and had been successful. There are a wider range of tools on Photoshop, that helped me edit all my photos, that aren't on any other appropriate and available software.
 For the photo shoots, I used a digital slr. After making my college magazine with photographs that had only been taken on a regular camera, I realised that I needed to use a slr in order to get better quality photographs. SO baring this in mind, I went out and took my photographs on an slr. I found that I got a much better and clearer photograph that was also easier to edit.
I asked a peer to look at my production and then make some notes for feedback and then later on, record them for me. Here is the outcome:

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