Friday 27 September 2013

Magazine Analysis

To look further into magazines, I took one and analysed it in depth using 27 questions.


1. The title of the magazine is 'Fabulous'. It is called this because it is implying that the magazine itself is 'fabulous'. This is a compliment used mainly by females and because of this, it shows that the target audience is most likely females. As the title can be interpreted as the magazine being complimentive to itself, this can also mean that the magazine doesn't take everything too seriously. This idea is furthered as within the magazine, it is known that that lots of jokes and puns are used and also informal language. This all means that it's target audience includes the younger generation.

2. The title is large, which makes it stand out. It is at the top of the magazine so it will be what the audience see when it is in a display rack. It is black, making a contrast against the brightly coloured background.

3. The Sun publish fabulous magazine.

4. The Sun doesn’t publish any other magazines

5. The publisher mainly publishes newspapers every day and this magazine comes in every Sunday edition. This newspaper provides the audience with condensed news mainly for entertainment.

6. It is published every week as it has to keep up with the newspaper that comes out every day and is small enough to fill with fashion and stories each week.

7. Around 3.13 million people buy the Sun every day, including the Sunday edition which includes this magazine.

8. Yes, the magazine has a website.

9. It is targeting mainly females of all ages.

10. I can identify the readership because it is filled with female fashion, female colour connotations such as pink and female based/aimed stories.

11. This magazine may make some readers want to go out and buy the clothes, home objects and other things shown in the magazine. It also may make them want to watch a recommended film or cd.

12. The main image on the front cover is the female celebrity that has been interviewed inside. She has co-ordinated red lips and red nails. This colour has connotations of love and passion. She is also sporting a rather large diamond engagement ring and wedding ring which has been foregrounded and centre placed. This is to show the readers that the model will most likely be talking about her husband and wedding. She is also wearing bright colours to go along with the bright colours used in the background. The shot type is between a medium long shot and a medium shot as it is between the knees and waist to the head. This is a typical short used for front covers of magazines and is also used to show off her whole outfit (un-including shoes). The background which is the set in which the celebrity is posing in is of a kitchen which shows the reader that the celebrity will be talking about their home life as the kitchen is a stereotypical home room.

13. This tells us that this publication is aimed at women and also what is to be expected inside.

14. In the magazine, there are interviews, fashion and beauty, home and designs, dieting, puzzles, stories and entertainment.

15. Throughout the magazine, there is a lot of red used, such as the titles for each section are a red strip at the top with white text overlaid. The colours pink and yellow are also used a lot. These colours are used because they stand out and catch the reader’s eye. The typefaces in the magazine are mainly consistent, with the same font and sizes except on the front cover where a few different fonts and sizes are used to make it look versatile and interesting.

16. As it is in the fashion genre, it looks similar to other magazines also in that genre as they use the same connotations such as colours.

17. This magazine doesn't look expensive as it isn't full sized and is rather thin and doesn't have an elegant or expensive look but on the other hand it also doesn't look cheap as their is a famous celebrity on the front cover and the layout looks professional and well thought out.

18. It addresses its readers by including a message from the editor, usually in the first page of contents. Also, the magazine includes small segments such as ones trying to get the audience to become members of Sun+.

19. Readers are allowed to address the magazines by using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram. I can tell this as underneath the editors message, they have included information about their social media and icons to go along with each and also a message saying to 'Find us'.

20. The adverts included in this magazine are mostly well known brands that are neither upper or lower scale. meaning their price range wouldn't be cheap or expensive, but in the middle.

21. The magazine includes such brands as Rimmel London, Sally Hanson and Tu by Sainsburys. As they are mostly beauty related, they are aimed at women who care about their appearance. Other brands included are Vodafone, food brands and TV related. These are aimed at the typical woman who cooks dinner and watches TV with her family: most likely a mother.

22.  The models in the magazine are mainly women in their 20's. This relates to the audience as they are also mostly females. Also, the readers in their 20's will be able to relate with the models as they are around the same age and the older readers will be able to relate as they once were that age and most likely want to be or at least look that age again.

23. Men are represented as a woman's equal. There is a segment in the magazine called The Graph of Greatness. In this, men and woman alike are either slated or praised. This shows off that can be equally as great or as bad as a woman and therefore are their equals.

24. The only conflicting representations within this magazine is that woman are portrayed as powerful yet they are also as a stereotypical house maid. Such as this magazine contains an article about powerful women who were able to deliver their own babies but upon turning the page, the photo used for the main interview of the celebrity on the front cover is of her on her hands and knees using a dust pan and brush to clean up the mess on the floor of a kitchen.

25.  The groups of people that don't appear in the magazine are ones at which the magazine is most definitely not aimed at, such as Goths, punks and men of an older age.

26. Fashion magazines are known to include celebrities: either to model clothes, in adverts or interviewed. The main celebrity in this magazine is Una Healy, from the well known girl group The Saturdays. By including her in the magazine and on the front cover, will make the magazine appeal to the groups fans, therefore creating a wider target audience. Also, by placing her on the front cover will enable fans to easily spot the magazine she in included in and also for people just browsing magazines will be instantly informed of her inclusion if they didn't already know.

27. Every magazine will be in competition with other magazines within their genre. This magazine won't have a specific magazine that is their primary competition as this magazine has a unique selling point that no other magazine within the genre has: it is sold within a newspaper. However, if I were to narrow it's competition down then it would be other fashion magazines that come out weekly.

Friday 20 September 2013

Magazine Research: Genre

To kick off looking into magazines, I started off looking at their genres. Genres are a way of categorizing magazines. Each genre uses specific connotations such as colour and images to appeal to a certain audience. I have a listed different genres and a magazine for each below that I have brainstormed with my peers in class.

Fashion ~ Cosmopolitan
Music ~ Rolling Stones
Sport ~ Golf Digest
Gaming ~ XBOX 360
Travel ~ Travel
Gardening ~ Gardeners' World
Wildlife ~ BBC Wildlife
Lifestyle ~ Good Housekeeping
Weddings ~ Brides
Education ~ TES
Jobs ~ Job Finder
Cars ~ Car
Technology ~ PCZONE
Entertainment ~ Empire
Cooking ~ BBC Good Food
Craft ~ Paper Craft
Teen ~ Teen Vogue
Children ~ Beano
Adult ~ Zoo
Sci-Fi ~ SciFi Now
Consumer help ~Which?
Gossip ~ Heat
News ~ Time
Mens Interest ~Mens Health
Fitness ~Women's Health
Beauty and Health ~ Boots Health & Beauty

Almost all of these magazine genres are available in different retail stores depending on the genre. Such as Boots Health & Beauty will only be available in Boots. Supermarkets aren't likely to stock specialist magazines and stick the the general ones with the wider audiences. The target audiences for specialist magazines are basically people who like or are interested in what that genre specializes in. Whereas the more general genres such as Gossip and News, are more likely to have a target audience based on either age or gender or even both. Such as Gossip magazines target audience are mostly women and News magazines target audience are mostly people of an older and more mature age.

Friday 13 September 2013


This blog is going to be used for recording my research, planning and photos for my coursework unit. The coursework is to make a college magazine and a music magazine using my own photography and design skills.